
My name is Natalia Franco and I’m an English to Spanish translator.  I have translated more than 5 million words in about 14 years of work. In these 14 years, I have acquired a great experience in the technical and technological fields as well as in the creative field of translation, where I see my role as that of being  an intercultural mediator. I am especially inspired by literary translation, where my imaginative potential can reach new expanses and where there are no formulas dictating how to transpose meaning from one language into another; rather, one must rely solely on intuition, inspiration, and talent. A passion for young adult and children’s literature has accompanied me throughout my life. My experience allows me to make stylistic and creative decisions that respect the original text’s message, as well as its intention and style.

Translating books for children and for young adults allows me to connect with my inner child. I am an avid reader in both English and Spanish.

In addition, I am an advocate of girls’ or young women’s rights. I am currently pursuing a  postgraduate degree in Women’s Studies, so reading and translating about this topic is of great interest to me.



2024: Course on Young Adult Book Translation

2024: Workshop on Children’s Book Translation

2023: In-depth course on Young Adult and Children’s Book Translation

2018- 2019: Master’s Degree in Women’s Studies (Academic average: 9/10)

2018: Postgraduate Seminar on Women Studies (Academic average: 10/10)

2013-2015: Master’s Degree in Translation and New Technologies (Academic average: 9/10)

2011-2012: Diploma in Software and Website Translation

2005- 2011: Bachelor’s Degree in English to Spanish Translation (Academic average: 8/10)

2005-2007: Bachelor’s Degree, English Teaching (Half-completed)


2024: I’m translating five children’s books for an Argentinian publisher.

2023: I translated a poetry book written by an Argentinian author from Spanish into English.

2023: I translated creative content for a famous inflight entertainment company including children’s movies and shows.

2022: I translated the artbook “Artofant” written by a children’s book illustrator from English into Spanish.

2021: I translated an illustrated storybook for kids for International Translation Company from English into Spanish.

2019: I translated the children’s book “My Tree Has Two Branches” by Melanie Bernier from English into Spanish.

2018- Present: Transcreator for International Translation Company

2016-Present: Spanish Quality Assurance (QA) for International Translation Company

2018- 2019: Proofreader and Copyeditor of translation projects for CMMI

2018- 2019: Proofreader of Press Releases for International Press Release Company

2015-2018: Spanish Language Lead for SAP

2015-2016: Localization Quality Assurance (LQA) for the Official Google Developers’ Blog

2014-2018: Translator and Proofreader specialized in medical translations for Leading market research company in the UK and Ireland

2013-2017: Translator and Proofreader for Canadian Cloud Computing & Hosting Company

2014-2015: Translator and Localizer for Multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products

2011-2015: Translator and Proofreader of medical translations for Translation Company

2011-2013: English (ESL) Teacher of mainly children and young adult groups

If you would like to know the specific agencies or companies I have worked for, I would be glad to send you my detailed CV.

Also, please visit my  profile on Linkedin